
Jonathan Paul Eyewear founder and owner, Paul, wanted to sell beyond his current retail channels.  We built the online store, set the pricing strategy, managed all advertising and promotions of online sales. Paul earned a return of  $6.88 on each  $1 he spent on marketing and advertising.  (He sold his company to Hilco Vision)


You see, We focus on ROMAS, not just ROAS!
Ask your agency: “Show me the ROMAS!”
ROAS: Return on Advertising spend is a great metric but what about all other money
You spend on Marketing. You want your overall Return on Investment.
ROMAS ™ : We focus on Return on Marketing and Advertising Spend. We believe in this all-encompassing metric.


“We are a team of marketers and developers who are crazy about testing everything we do while keeping a sharp eye on the bottom line! If it will not improve the bottom line then it does not belong in our marketing strategy or implementation. It is truly as simple as that!” …

Avi Kumar

Founder and CEO

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